As state licensed medical specialists, we have been dedicated to the medical practice of acupuncture since 2007. We have seen the traditional medicine of acupuncture help thousands of people in more ways than they expected while practicing a medicine that taking into consideration both physical and energetic anatomy and physiology when guiding treatmen plans. This widens the acupuncture point set to include more distal, supportive points when treating the knee for pain.
A holistic approach not only considers the pain, but also where to guide that "pain-energy" when its' broken up and released from the local site. Our mind-body approach returns excess, stagnant energy back into specific physical or emotional systems which are additionally chronically weak. So now, that same knee pain comes with the added benefits of better sleep and improved gastrointestinal ease.
We suggest coming in monthly for tune-ups and weekly during season changes so flare-ups are lessened, pain is managed and energy isn't drained This is akin to keeping your automobile full of gas with regularly changed oil to prevent your engine from overheating and stopping all together when you may need it most.
Investing in your health earlier positively supports your long-term health later. It can also save money in the long run and is why our office offers different prices and flexible payments for patients. Acupuncture has proven over thousands of years to be one of the safest, most reliable and affordable ways to maintain the health and vitality you deserve.
All needles are one-time use only. All cupping equipment is sanitized after each patient. Each guasha tool is only ever used once. We wear latex-free gloves for insertion and removal of all needles and immediately dispose of all needles in biohazard containers. We sanitize treatment tables between each patient and give patients their own mylar blanket if they feel cold.
Each treatment room has far infrared lamps and table warmers. The 30+ pounds of amethyst on the table and the crushed crystal plate on the lamp, both have heating elements behind them. When the heat passes through the crystals, it changes regular infrared heat into far infrared heat which penetrates into the cellular level of the muscle.
When applying any topical herbal liniment, lotion or oil, feel safe knowing we only use the highest quality products in our office. The herbs in our formulas are mostly organic, small batch manufactured, microscopically identified and rigorously tested for the highest purity and medicinal saturation as possible.
We have incorporated our love of plant life into our healing space. Enjoy our moss artwork in the treatment rooms or our variegated foliage in the hallway. Plants offer such positive energy and clean air for indoor space so be sure that you are leveling up when getting treated in our office.
We incorporate the use of crystals throughout our office. Having many years of treating patients we can feel the difference they provide to the healing space. Crystals are in our office to clean and absorb sick energy. They are in every treatment room and in all common spaces. Plus, they are simply beautiful to look at.
Each treatment room has relaxing music with sounds of nature. We also incorporate HIPPA compliant white noise fans whose frequencies block human speech. Each patient receives a remote call button if they are in need. Also, our cozy office is located at the end of our building which reduces loud and distracting noises.